Workshop activities

If we don't get lectures in our class time...what do we do then?

The answer is easy: we do experiments, we develop projects, we solve problems, and other exciting stuff. 

This activities will keep not only your heads busy, but your hands too.  You will learn by doing experiments involving the ideas and concepts from your home lectures. And above all: you'll work in teams. Teamwork is probably the most important skill you are going to learn in this course. So, let's get down to business!

List of activities

  1. Stages of the technological project: The cardboard chair.
  2. Computer's Hardware: How to assemble a computer.
  3. Computer's software I: How to use a spreadsheet program to write a process sheet and a budget for our projects.
  4. Computer's software II: How to use a database program to manage workshop data.
  5. Computer's software III: How to use 3D software to draw our projects. 
  6. Transformations of energy I: How to construct a simple electric motor / generator: video 1 - video 2
  7. Transformations of energy II: GENERATORHow does a photovoltaic panel work? / How to make a chemical battery.
  8. Electric circuits I: Testing Ohm's law.
  9. Electric circuits II: How to combine receivers.
  10. Electric circuits III:  Circuit simulation by computer
  11.  Electric circuits IV: Control Elements: switch, double-throw switch, PTM switch and relay.
  12. Electric circuits V: How to control a motor and a light bulb in the same circuit & How to control a single light bulb from two different places. 
  13. Electric circuit VI: How to make a motor change its spinnig direction. 
  14. Electronic components I: Resistor's color code & Light depending Resistor (LDR)
  15. Electronic components II: Diode.
  16. Electronic components III:  Transwistor and Automatic twilight switch.
  17. Logic gates and Truth tables.
  18. Logic gates: And/or circuits 1. Check your circuit.
  19. Logic gates: And/or circuits 2.
  20. Robotics 1: Controlling LEDs.
  21. Robotics 2: Sound.  
  22. Robotics 3: Controlling light and sound with a potentiometer. 
  23. Robotics 4: Buttons&sounds&lights!
  24. Robotics 5: Light sensor (twilight switch).
  25. Robotics 6: Ultrasound sensor
  26. Robotics 7: Joystick.
  27. Robotics 8: Servomotor.
  28. Robotics Final: Assembling the robot (video) - PROGRAM